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Software Development

Hybrid Mail Solutions employ a large team of software development professionals who can devise bespoke programmes to address the most demanding of mail processing and fulfilment requirements.

We take a considered step by step approach which starts with our client-facing team meeting new customers in person to understand their needs and most importantly to carefully obtain all relevant data capture and, or matching requirements.

Following this process, we write a detailed programming brief which we send to respective clients for sign off and then give to our software team for product development. Beta software programmes are rigorously tested under all conditions and platforms to ensure optimal functionality before sending to customers for trail and approval. Only when we get client sign-off and approval will the development process be signed off as complete.

This process enables us to address a variety of software processing needs from invoice and statement matching, fulfilment and mailing programmes to more complex customer specific tailored mailing campaigns.

Software Development Features

  • To date we have designed over 100 programmes for clients across all sectors from Accountancy, Legal to Waste Collection Services.
  • Our stage design process ensures client needs are addressed first time, every time.
  • Rigorous beta testing processes ensure software accuracy and functionality.
  • We provide mailing software solutions which are seamless, reliable and transparent enabling customers to focus on other vital parts of their businesses.


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